Sick Care vs. Chiropractic Care

Do you only visit a health care provider when you are sick or in pain?  Imagine going to your medical doctor with no complaints, zero symptoms…when you are feeling and functioning great.  


What if during that visit you asked your medical doctor what they can do for you to help you stay that way?  What do you think they would say?

Of course…they would say “Nothing.  Come back when something is wrong!”

The current “health care” system is built on problems and disease.  When something is wrong or a person is in crisis, this system is there to get a person out of crisis and recover.  It’s not really a health care system at all.  It’s a sick care system, and it does very little, if anything at all, to keep people truly healthy.

Many might think that chiropractic functions like the medical “sick care” system.  It’s understandable…we are trained throughout our lives to think of helping our body when it is broken or sick.  So, when one has back problems, neck pain, or headaches/migraines, they might think that is the time to visit the chiropractor to make the symptoms go away.

In reality, chiropractic is a true system of health care.  While we love helping people heal and regain control and quality of life, the heart of chiropractic is to prevent crises from occurring.  Chiropractic exists as a means to improve health and body function, adding life and vitality to the years we have.  From the moment we are born—until the moment we die—we put stress on our bodies through our daily activities, work, hobbies—even through food, thoughts, and feelings.  That stress affects our nervous system’s function.  By not managing that stress, other body systems suffer, and dysfunction builds up.  Ignoring it and pushing through only compounds the problem.  Through regular wellness adjustments, the nervous system can work optimally—without interference—to keep you healthy and well over the lifespan.

Yes—the lifespan!  From newborn to elderly—chiropractic can benefit everyone!

Think of it this way:  If your oil light came on, chances are you would not ignore it.  You would take to your mechanic to get the oil changed.  No one thinks of driving the car with bad oil and waiting for the engine to seize up before doing something about it.  Everyone knows that is no way to treat a car—it’s the fastest way to not have reliable transportation, isn’t it?  

But this is how most of us treat our bodies—drive them into the ground until something goes wrong…then visit the medical doctor to get out of crisis.  Often, that means a hard, long, and expensive, road to recovery, and sometimes permanent damage has already been done.

Instead, imagine this:  You and your family visit your chiropractor at Rising Chiropractic with a smile on your face, with no or minimal symptoms, no complaints, and you are feeling great!  You tell your Rising Chiropractic Family about your good health, and we say, “Congratulations!  You are healthy!  Now, let’s check your nervous system and make sure we keep you that way!”  Then you leave with the confidence that you are doing the right thing for your and your family’s health and wellness for life!