Diabetes Mellitus refers to a group of diseases that affect how your body uses glucose, an important source of energy for the cells that make up your muscles and tissues. Glucose is also your brain’s main source of fuel1.

Every year, 1.5 million people are diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus.  It is the 7th leading cause of death in the United States and affects over 10% of the population.  The total cost of diagnosed diabetes is $327 BILLION per year2.

Diabetes involves high glucose (blood sugar) levels that can result in medical emergencies as well as long-term problems. Diabetes affects the pancreas, making it unable to create the cells necessary to produce and secrete insulin, the hormone necessary to control glucose levels.  The function of kidneys, eyes, nerves, and feet are the most commonly affected by diabetes, while individuals can also suffer from skin problems, digestive issues, teeth and gum concerns, sexual problems, and an increased risk of heart disease, bone disorders, and joint problems.

The most common treatment for diabetes includes monitoring nutrition and exercising, as well as utilizing insulin injections or other diabetes medication, if necessary. Unfortunately, since there is no guaranteed cure for diabetes, many individuals may deal with the disease for their entire lives. This costs them a great deal of money, pain and discomfort, and a poor quality of life.

How can Chiropractic Care help people who live with Diabetes?

Chiropractic care works to remove interference in the nervous system that interrupts normal function of the body.  The brain receives messages from every organ, muscle, tissue, and cell in the body.  It constantly evaluates the input it receives and responds with instructions for how the body should function.  Because the pancreas is under the control of the nervous system, it is easy to understand that a lack of input from the brain would decrease this organ’s ability do this important job.  

Interference in the nervous system often stems from (or creates) a vertebral subluxation, or misalignment in the spine that affects how the nerves function.  The pancreas is directly controlled by the nerves coming out of T7, or the 7th thoracic vertebra.  If this vertebra is subluxated (either a being a primary subluxation or a secondary subluxation), it undoubtedly affects the health and function of the pancreas.  

Gentle, specific, and consistent chiropractic care can reduce subluxation in the spine, taking pressure of the nerve and restoring vital communication between the brain and the body.  In the case of the pancreas, removing a subluxation at T7 can mean better control and coordination of the pancreas, leading to better overall function.  Overtime, people with Diabetes experience an overall higher level of health!

Where’s the research?

A case study published in 20153 detailed A 67-year-old female who presented with several complaints, including Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.  The patient was found to have several vertebral subluxations throughout her spine, along with postural alterations. She had sought care from several providers with no resolution in any of her complaints.  The patient received specific chiropractic adjustments throughout the spine, and physical rehabilitation exercises were given to address the patient’s postural alterations. After four visits, the patient returned to her medical doctor and was able to stop taking insulin for her diabetes. Her blood sugar levels remained within normal limits throughout the rest of her care.

Chiropractors approach you from position of health and determine how best to improve the function of your body, versus fighting a specific disease or condition.  By reducing subluxation, we increase your body’s natural ability to self-heal and self-regulate.  When this happens, health concerns can resolve on their own and you achieve a higher level of health.

When looking at it through this lens, doesn’t it make sense that chiropractic can be of help to ensure the health of your pancreas, as well as your entire body?? 


1. Mayo Clinic. 2020. Diabetes – Symptoms And Causes. [online] Available at: <https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diabetes/symptoms-causes/syc-20371444> [Accessed 4 August 2020].

2. Diabetes.org. 2020. Statistics About Diabetes | ADA. [online] Available at: <https://www.diabetes.org/resources/statistics/statistics-about-diabetes#:~:text=Prevalence%3A%20In%202018%2C%2034.2%20million,of%20the%20population%2C%20had%20diabetes.&text=Undiagnosed%3A%20Of%20the%2034.2%20million,and%207.3%20million%20were%20undiagnosed.> [Accessed 4 August 2020].
3. Yachter, D. and Jarry, M., 2015. Resolution of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in a 67 Year Old Female Patient Following Subluxation-Based Chiropractic Care: A Case Study. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research, 2015, pp.119-124.