Preventative Care vs. “Sick Care”


Preventative Care vs. “Sick Care”

Experience true correction & optimal health

The Medical Model uses a “Pathogenic” or “sick care” model. Doctors using this model look at your body to find sickness and disease—after it has already affected you in a negative way! In some cases, this is too late! Many times, patients are forced to accept a “new normal,” because the symptoms do not really go away, or they cascade into greater dysfunction.


But the truth is…there is a better way!

Salutogenic health model

Salutogenic health benefits

Principled Chiropractic works in the “Salutogenic” model. This model is a preventative, all-natural approach to health that understands we humans have the innate capacity to move toward health. By addressing the root cause of your health condition, you can create greater vitality and well-being from the inside-out! In doing so, you can best adapt to the numerous physical, psychological, and chemical stresses you experience on day-to-day basis—without drugs or surgery. Principled chiropractic plays a role in helping to restore all body systems to normal, healthy function. The goal is to remove interference so that the body can self-heal and self-regulate in the manner that nature intended.

To experience true correction and begin experiencing optimal health and function from the inside-out, schedule your new practice member appointment at Rising Chiropractic today.