“Chiropractic provides structural and neurological freedom.  The quality of one’s life expression is a by-product of THAT.”

~Mimi Chatwood, D.C.~

As we approach July 4th, the date of our nation’s independence, the word FREEDOM comes to mind.  Independence Day commemorates the birth of our nation, the day that we became free from the oppression of British Rule.  It was the day that we, as a nation, experienced FREEDOM.

Freedom is, by definition, “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.” It is a state of being we all hunger for.  

We will fight for our social and national freedoms.  Tooth and nail.  And we will honor those who have and will continue to fight for our freedoms.

Yet, why do we not fight for our right to health.  To live in health—in the way we see fit—is a basic human right.  Yet, when it is taken away, we rarely fight for it.  In fact, so many times we freely give away our health and our right to live in health our way.  We give away our medical freedom.  

As our health declines, we step back even further and allow dysfunction to take over.  As our bodies break down, our freedoms slowly slip away—often without our noticing.  Freedom of movement, freedom of breath, freedom of living.  We let it all go and delude ourselves into thinking it’s normal.

How many times have you said these things:

  • I can’t ride a bike anymore.
  • I can’t enjoy activities like I used to.
  • Lifting and holding my kids is too much for me.
  • I can’t do my job like I used to.
  • Sitting at a desk is too much for me.
  • It’s hard to clean the house, but I just push through.
  • I can’t sleep anymore.
  • I guess I’m just getting old.

What have you done about it?  If riding bike was a passion, or holding your children brought you joy, did you fight for the freedom to continue to do so?  Or did you meekly accept that you just can’t do it anymore.  Why are we so willing to accept the loss of these freedoms?

Many of us let our pain and dysfunction take over our lives.  I have pain.  I am depressed.  I am Bipolar.  I have cancer.  I have fibro.  It becomes part of our identity.  It constrains us.  And we give authority to the constraints.  We give up our freedom to live the life we want to live.

Constraint.  That is the thing that gets in our way.  In chiropractic, we call it interference.  Interference in your nervous system inhibits the function of every system in your body.  As those systems break down, health problems develop.  

As chiropractors, what we do is remove the interference—the constraints—and set in motion a series of events within your body to restore proper—optimal—function.  As the body turns toward normal function, you regain your freedom to express your highest level of health.

Many practice members, when asked why they want to heal from their pain now, state that they want freedom.  Our patients under chiropractic care, these amazing adults (and kiddos, too!) have experienced the freedom of:

  • Biking to the top of a mountain
  • Cuddling with their children
  • Coaching a little league team
  • Playing 45 holes of golf in a single weekend (and live to tell about it!)
  • Getting that promotion
  • Ice skating
  • Getting a full night’s sleep
  • Riding a bike
  • Enjoying life again

What freedoms have you given away over the years in the name of “aging,” “getting old,” or “breaking down”?  What if you could have those freedoms back?  

What would it look like if you stopped giving away your health and fought for your right to optimal health?  Imagine the freedom!  

Is it worth the investment?  

Yes, it is.