Back To the Future

Here is the start of a New Year.  This is the time of year when people kick off their new health regimen—going to the gym, a new diet, meditation.  It’s a time to get a clean slate, reflect and rest, and set new goals for the future.


I am thinking a lot about what I want to get out of this next year.  This is a year where I want to see change and more growth.  I want to become a better version of myself.  As I consider what that might look like, I am struck with a few questions:  Do I have what it takes to get there?  Am I willing to do what it takes?  Am I 100% all in??


Here’s the thing:  It’s never too late to improve your health or your life.  We have a chance every single moment of every single day to begin anew.  In fact, we are constantly creating a new version of ourselves.  We know from science that our old red blood cells die off every 120 days.  That means we have a constant supply of new blood flowing through our veins and arteries.  Cells in our gut die off every week.  Skin cells?  We regenerate that daily.  Even your brain cells regenerate themselves in the areas that control memory, emotions, cognition, and hormones.  Each day, we replace 330 BILLION of the cells in our body.  In about 100 days—less than 4 months—we regenerate 30 TRILLION cells, which is the equivalent of a whole new you.  How amazing is that?!?


Our bodies do this automatically, without our thought or conscious control.  It is the brain and the entire nervous system that controls and orchestrates these processes.  Now, while we don’t control the regeneration and production of new cells, we definitely have a certain level of control over the outcome.


In his book, The Biology of Belief, Dr. Bruce Lipton, an internationally recognized cell biologist and researcher, shows us very clearly the power we have over the health and regeneration of our bodies.  He states, “Thoughts, the mind’s energy, directly influence how the physical brain controls the body’s physiology.”  Our very thoughts, both conscious and subconscious thought processes, affect the energy and vibration within each individual cell in our bodies.  That energy and vibration dictates whether a cell will be a healthy or an unhealthy cell.  When our cells die off, our nervous system will orchestrate the regeneration of new cells, based upon the current energy in the body.  This happens on a subconscious level, so we are talking about subconscious energy.  Our INNATE INTELLIGENCE.  If our INNATE INTELLIGENCE experiences interference, then our body vibrations are off and sick cells will regenerate as they always have.  However, if our INNATE INTELLIGENCE experiences NO INTERFERENCE, then we can balance our vibrations and regenerate healthy cells as the old, unhealthy cells die off.  A wild and crazy concept, right?  But, hey, that’s science for you!


Now here’s the thing.  Our thoughts are the product of a series of chemical reactions in various parts of the brain.  This means, our thoughts are part of our neurological function.  If our nervous system is malfunctioning, then our thoughts can malfunction right along with it.  Why do I, your chiropractor, care about that??


I’m sure you’ve watched the original Back To The Future movie, maybe even 100 times since it came out in 1985 (I’m pretty sure I’ve come close!).  Remember the scene when Marty is trying to convince Doc Brown to help him get back to 1985 and shows him a flyer about the clock tower?  At that moment, Doc Brown has a revelation and says, “This is it!  This is the answer!  It says here that a bolt of lightning is going to strike the clock tower at precisely 10:04 PM next Saturday night!  If we could somehow…harness this lightning; channel it into the Flux Capacitor, it just might work.  Next Saturday night, we’re sending you back to the future!”


Great movie.  One of the best of all time.  But again, what’s this have to do with chiropractic?  Right, very good question.


You see, in order to regain optimal function in the nervous system, we need to obtain balance in the brain.  Remove the interference.  If we could somehow…harness the energy of the nervous system; channel its electrical function and chemical reactions into the entire body, it just might work!  


Coming together now?  You see, when I deliver your chiropractic adjustment, I’m not moving your bones to make your pain go away.  I’m searching for the parts of your nervous system that are malfunctioning and fixing those, so that your body can heal, find balance, and regenerate new, healthier cells.  The adjustment removes the interference and allows the INNATE INTELLIGENCE to better orchestrate those electrical and chemical reactions.  This is called healing, and the chiropractic adjustment facilitates that process.


I’m adjusting you to help you truly heal and live the quality of life you want to live.


Now, unlike Doc Brown in the movie, I cannot predict exactly when and how this would all happen.  I don’t have the benefit of your future self to give me that information.  So, I don’t know what your optimal would look like, nor how long it will take you to get there.  This is where you have the ultimate power.  Going back to Dr. Lipton, remember when I just said that your thoughts affect the health of your cells?  You can control your thoughts about everything in your world.  Thoughts about yourself, your family, your job, your health…your future.  Now, subconscious thoughts…those are tough to control, but it can be done if you make that commitment to yourself.  If you choose to ignore your thoughts and how you feel emotionally, then you are consciously limiting your ability to heal.  But if you face your thoughts head on, harness the energy they create into something with actual healing power, then it just might work!  But you have to do the work, too—commit to yourself and this healing journey you started when we met.  


Your thoughts are things, and you have the power to create the change you want to see.


It’s making sense now isn’t it?  You came to see me for “a crack” to get rid of your pain, but you are now walking into the new year on this lifelong journey toward your optimal health and optimal self.  


But to get there…you have to go all in.  Not just for now…for the long haul.


Can you do it in 2022?  I’m making a commitment to you to go all in and achieve my optimal.  Will you make the same commitment to yourself?  I hope you will.  You deserve this.


See you at your next adjustment!