Ghosts & goblins.  Snakes & Skeletons.  Creepy Zombies &…..


What?  Subluxations?  What are those?!?

A subluxation is a misalignment of the bones in your spine that cause problems in your nervous system.  Depending on the location and severity, subluxations can affect the function of other body systems.  This causes slow, often imperceptible decline in overall function that leads to aches, pain, and dysfunction throughout the body.  Subluxations rob people of their health, quality of life, and prevents them from expressing their full potential.

Scary, huh?  Want to know what’s even more scary?  Most people don’t know they have subluxations or understand just how damaging they can be. Subluxations are very small and very rarely do they cause pain early on.  They occur as the body shifts and adapts to stresses placed on the body.  Typically, subluxations start out as “asymptomatic,” and progress over time if they are not re-aligned.  One may begin to feel things like headaches, indigestion, sleep problems, problems going to the bathroom, or other problems usually associated with medical conditions.  Later on, down the line, chronic pain, dysfunction, or other health problems may develop.  By then, people feel like zombies and think, “that’s just the way it is.”

This is usually the time when we at Rising Chiropractic in Evans, GA, meets our new patients.  They come in with chronic neck pain, back pain, headaches, migraines, neuropathy, fibromyalgia, arthritis, or other health conditions which they have been living with for many years.  They have tried everything and gotten no relief or resolution.  Drugs cover up the symptoms and have countless side effects.  Surgery removes vital organs, changes joint actions, or immobilizes the spine and does nothing to correct the root problem.  We help so many like this at Rising Chiropractic.  It breaks our hearts to see them in this condition, but we celebrate when They Rise!  But the thing is…It may have been avoided by removing a few subluxations many years ago.  

The good news is, once we address the subluxations in the spine, we can continue to support and maintain optimal spinal mobility and body function for the long term.  Much like brushing your teeth daily will keep your teeth healthy and bright white, gentle and specific chiropractic adjustments on a weekly or bi-weekly basis will keep your spine mobile and healthy, supporting you in living the life you WANT!

Do you or someone you know feel like a zombie?  Let us assess them for a subluxated spine and bring them back among the living!  Call Rising Chiropractic today!